Haugaland Kraft og Skybatteri en av finalistene i CHARGE Awards

Solkraft Nyhet

Vi er videre som finalist i kategorien «World´s Best Green Brand» av CHARGE Energy Branding. :tada: Vi ble nominert for Skybatteriet og er nå videre som en av 4 av finalister i denne kategorien. CHARGE Awards hedrer de beste selskapene og merkevarene i den globale energibransjen.

I den forbindelse håper vi at du vil hjelpe oss ved å svare på en spørreundersøkelse i regi av CHARGE Awards. Den handler om dine tanker om Haugaland Kraft og bærekraft og vil gi oss verdifull innsikt vi skal lære av. På forhånd tusen takk for hjelpen!


World’s Best Green Brand

Finalists for this award will be companies who have achieved or made significant strides towards achieving their sustainability goals. They will have delivered impactful initiatives or campaigns that will be influential through the sustainable energy transition. The winning company may have created new systems, products or solutions to help customers through the sustainable energy transition or have successfully partnered with another company to deliver a value-adding green project worthy of international recognition by their peers.

This category will highlight the value of branding as a critical tool in communicating innovation and the value of green technology or products.

In this category, we want to shine a light on the brands that have thought differently and done differently to communicate better, influence behaviour, and shape attitudes around greening the energy grid this past year.

Finalists might have developed compelling green retail products, incentive programs or major infrastructure investments around electrification of transport, heat, industry, and so much more.

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